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Puy Pariou, emblematic volcano in Auvergne

Puy Pariou, volcano of the Chaîne des PuysLe Puy Pariou, Auvergne Volcanoes Natural Park
Puy Pariou, volcano of the Chaîne des Puys

Puy Pariou is a volcano located in the Chaîne des Puys in Auvergne, near the famous Puy de Dôme. This volcano is a natural wonder, a spectacular crater with a perfect shape that makes it one of the most remarkable volcanoes in the Parc des Volcans d'Auvergne.


The Puy Pariou Crater

The majesty of Puy Pariou lies in its impressive crater, which was formed thousands of years ago during cataclysmic volcanic eruptions. Today, this crater fascinates visitors with its wild beauty and geological singularity. Its circular and harmonious shape is an exceptional example of the power and beauty of nature.


Puy Pariou and Puy de Dôme

The proximity of Puy de Dôme, another emblem of the region, adds to the appeal of Puy Pariou. The two volcanoes stand side by side, offering a unique natural spectacle and a rare opportunity to admire the geological diversity of the Chaîne des Puys.


A place steeped in history

Puy Pariou is also a place steeped in history and mystery. Local legends tell fascinating stories about the origin and significance of this volcano, adding a cultural dimension to its natural beauty.


Puy Pariou is a geological treasure and a jewel of the Auvergne Volcanoes Park. Its perfect shape, its impressive crater and its proximity to the Puy de Dôme make it a must for nature, geology and adventure lovers. A visit to Puy Pariou is an unforgettable experience that leaves an indelible mark on the memories of those who are lucky enough to contemplate this volcanic wonder.

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Puy Pariou, emblematic volcano in Auvergne Puy Pariou, emblematic volcano in Auvergne Puy Pariou, emblematic volcano in Auvergne

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